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Beards, Coffee and Stuff

Doesn't Your Beard Make You Hot In The Summer?

Jeff Summers

Doesn't Your Beard Make You Hot In The Summer?As summer approaches in the northern hemisphere, the most-asked question I hear regarding my Beard is whether I'm going to shave it off because of the warmer weather. Some people like to retort with something clever like, "Manliness knows no season" (with which I fully agree). My answer is a blank expression with direct, extended eye contact followed by..."No."...

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Manhood: Beards, Bacon and ???

Jeff Summers

Beardsmith Blog - ManhoodWith the long-held bald faced fad on the decline, many men are choosing to embrace the fact that they naturally grow facial hair. This is a big win for masculinity in the eyes of some. But what about men who don't grow facial hair because of genetic, employment, or personal reasons? Are the cadre of Bearded brethren more manly than they? It depends on what it really means to be a man...

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The UrbanLumberHipSexual

Jeff Summers

Beardsmith Blog - The UrbanLumberHipSexualPeople love labels. They make us feel safe. They allow us a convenient way to place others into categories so we feel as though we know what we're dealing with. It's not that surprising, really--it's a built-in survival mechanism. If Grok the cavemen didn't have something in place to help make immediate value judgments, he would have been eaten by something that did. We've come a long way since Grok. Maybe it's time to reconsider the wisdom of holding onto value judgments that are unnecessary and counterproductive in today's world...

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Seinfeld Beard Syndrome

Jeff Summers

Beardsmith Blog - Seinfeld Beard SyndromeOne of the classic episodes of Seinfeld is when Jerry decides to have a threesome. He gets everything set up, he's on the brink of going through with it, and at the last minute he backs out. Why? Because he doesn't want to be "that guy". He says if he goes through with it, then he'll have to grow a pencil mustache, wear a robe around the house all day, keep massage oils on the bedside table, and he just doesn't want to go there...

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The Beard Solution - Lining It Out

Wendy Rose

The Beard Solution - Lining It OutEvery guy that sits in my barber chair for a Beardsmithing is either a veteran beardsman, seasonal beardsman or a newbie to bearding.  Every one of them is looking to me for a beard solution, so I thought it would be fun to make a weekly post about some of the issues bearded guys face and offer some great tips! The most common question is this, "Where should my neck line begin or end?"...

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