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The Beard Solution - Lining It Out

Wendy Rose

How Not To Line Out a Beard
Every guy that sits in my barber chair for a Beardsmithing is either a veteran beardsman, seasonal beardsman or a newbie to bearding.  Every one of them is looking to me for a beard solution, so I thought it would be fun to make a weekly post about some of the issues bearded guys face and offer some great tips!
The most common question is this, "Where should my neck line begin or end?" A lot of guys are kinda clueless about what the heck to do with the neck line. No one wants a crazy looking neck beard. Most men shave the neck line way up to the chin area or way above the Adams apple because they want to avoid looking unkepmt. (Yes, that's the correct term, not unkept, Google it!). That is totally fine if your beard isn't protruding past your chin, but it also produces a wispy looking beard with alot of maintenance. The beard won't look full and rich and those wispy hairs end up breaking off. Then, you are left with a scraggly beard. At the other end of the spectrum, some guys just don't give a shit and let the neck beard grow. Well, we all know what that produces.
Correct Beard AnglesSo, here is the solution. If you have a few months growth and it's growing past the chin, past the jaw line, look at your beard straight on in the mirror. First, stroke it a little because you have earned this magnificence and yes, you should be proud. Second, look at where the length of the beard at the chin falls to your neck line. Is it right above the Adams apple? Then, only shave the neck to that point. Same with the jaw line. Your goal is to let your beard fill into fullness. Let the beard grow underneath your chin and let it meet up with the hair on your face. Keep it lined out on the sides and under the chin area below the Adams apple and angle up the sides to the jaw line. Basically, only shave what you can see beyond the Beard. Once it grows past the Adams apple - you shouldn't have to shave the neck anymore. Throw that razor away!!! Sounds simple right? It's not as simple as it sounds, especially if you are new to the concept, so that's where I come in. If you need help setting your line, just make an appointment for a Beardsmithing with me.
If you've just now realized you've been shaving way too high and need to let it go in order to let it fill in, you know it's going to be a bit of a process. So, I would suggest getting some Beardsmith Beard Grease, massage a light amount into the new growth area to combat any itching and to help fortify those new hairs for superior beard growth. We developed the Beard Grease as a solution for guys who need a product to condition, sooth, and make the beard look and feel amazing.

If you have any questions, ask away. Next week, Mustache Solutions!!!

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